Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Healthy Teeth for a Lifetime

Healthy teeth are a great asset and can help you live a long and healthy life.

Interestingly enough, our teeth can reflect our physical health. Gum disease, tooth decay and other oral infections are related to many conditions as diverse as heart disease and skin rashes.

There is no substitute for good food and water – they’re essential for overall health. Beyond that, here are a few simple things you can do to help your mouth cleanse and heal.

1. Eat lots of fresh, organic greens. Chew thoroughly, allowing the food to become liquid and your mouth to soak in the organic vitamins and minerals.

2. Consider oil pulling with unrefined, virgin coconut oil. Oil pulling is a technique that comes to us from Ayurvedic medicine and many have experienced miraculous results. (For details on oil pulling, you can google it or go to for more information.) Coconut oil is my first choice for this as it is pleasant tasting, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiparasitic.

3. Avoid eating between meals – particular sticky and sweet foods that cling to teeth and encourage bacteria to proliferate.

4. Consider rinsing your mouth with water and sea salt when you are not able to brush (like after snacking or eating on the run). Sea salt contains trace minerals and also has antiseptic qualities.

Your teeth are meant to last a lifetime and with a little maintenance, they will serve you well.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Taking Care of Yourself

There has never been a more important time to take care of yourself than right now. What you do for yourself everyday makes a difference. The intention you put forward to care for yourself is always rewarded. And make no mistake: there is no selfishness in caring for yourself. The stronger you are – the more you have to offer others.

Your body always wants to move in the direction of health. Symptoms are your body’s way of communicating to you. Even if you get off track, you can tune back in to your own inner knowing. Get quiet. Relax. Trust your gut. Your body could be asking you to change your diet, get exercise, seek out more knowledge – whatever the call – take the inspired action.

Friday, November 28, 2008

High Quality (Homemade) Foods for Dogs

Are you among the people who no longer want to feed their family pets canned and processed foods? The ingredient lists, the recalls – dog food products are enough to make you sick (and our pets, too!)

Here are some simple suggestions for high quality nutrition.

Lentils provide a lot of nutrition and fiber, don’t take much time to cook and need no overnight soaking. All beans add nutrition and are pretty simple to cook. (Soak overnight and cook slowly on low heat to keep enzymes intact.) They are relatively inexpensive and you might even find a farmer’s market where you can buy them in bulk.

Dogs need oil and extra virgin olive oil is a great choice. You can supercharge it by adding garlic. Here’s how: peel & press at least 4 or 5 cloves into a pint-size glass jar. Add olive oil to the top and shake. Keep this in the refrigerator and add a tablespoon everyday to your dog’s food.

To this mixture, I like to add lots of raw, ground up vegetables - whatever I have on hand.

Other superfoods you can add: wheatgrass, barley grass, chlorella, spirulina and alfalfa.

Many people overlook the humble alfalfa, yet it is a superfood and here’s why: the roots can go down deep into the ground, 60 feet and beyond, soaking up nutrients that are no longer available in topsoil.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Trust Your Gut

Do you know the truth when you see it or hear it? Yes, you do. We have intelligence throughout our bodies. You CAN trust your gut instincts. Your higher self is always on duty. When you get those intense inclinations, follow your inner wisdom.

Notice how you feel - especially if you feel increasing discomfort in a situation – follow your instincts. Often times when people allow self-doubt to dissuade them from following their own inner knowing, they say later that they had a feeling they should have done otherwise.

Your higher self is always available to guide you, to keep you safe and on the path to greater fulfillment. Pay attention to your feelings and move in the direction of what makes you happy. It sounds so simple, yet, as you move in the direction of feeling good, even more of what feels good will show up in your life.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Learn How to Cure Disease

Have you heard the good news? There is a cure for cancer and a cure for AIDS! It’s the same cure and it’s so powerful that it can defeat literally any disease you can imagine. This amazing cure is something you personally have control of – something you can engage regardless of your current stage of health.

Here’s the cure: it’s your very own immune system!

If you’ve been led to believe that courses of drugs can make you well, please ponder this for a moment: Do you believe you can poison yourself to health? Is there any way on the planet that could possibly make sense?

Drugs (prescription or otherwise) are very powerful and the body (and mind) can become addicted to them quickly. If you are currently taking drugs and choose to get off of them, you must do so with a doctor who understands these drugs. If your doctor is not willing to help you do this, I encourage you to find a doctor who will.

It does take energy to learn how to restore your health, yet isn’t it worth the investment? Once you learn how to care for yourself, you can protect your health throughout your life.

Your body was not meant to degenerate and gradually suck the life out of your will to live. Your body was meant to last a lifetime – however you choose to define that.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Living Longer

Are you planning for a happy, healthy and fulfilling life until you die or planning for decline in your old age? Whatever you’re planning for usually shows up.

Sometimes we take on the beliefs of others without even realizing it. Certainly the media has done it’s share to portray older people as helpless, cantankerous, irrational, slow, outdated, unhealthy and sexually undesirable. We just go with the flow - believe it’s inevitable that we, too, will go into physical and mental degeneration as we pass through time. We come to believe that the best we can hope for is to hold back the tide with smoke and mirrors.

Decline is entirely optional. We can choose to live our potential which expands everyday. Or we can choose to degenerate by neglecting ourselves – neglecting our health and our happiness.

If time is the measurer and space is the field, use your time wisely and fill your life with the best you can imagine.

Let’s really LIVE longer – not just take longer to die.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Real Health Insurance

If you think health insurance is more than a medical insurance policy, you’re right!
More than anything, it’s about taking care of ourselves. Real health comes day by day, from the good health habits and habits of thought we practice continually.

All those daily maintenance riturals? Just own ‘em. There’s no way around good health habits like brushing, flossing, exercising, deep breathing, etc. so just embrace them. Prevention is a snap compared to the price of damage control.

And speaking of price, we all like to save money. In the long run, we save more money when we buy the highest quality foods we can afford. Buy organic or wildcrafted, fresh, local and in season foods. You’ll get more flavor and food value, and you’ll be supporting local farmers. Filling up on nutritious foods cuts down on cravings and you might find yourself eating less because you’re eating better. If you can’t find or afford to buy all your produce organic, check out the Environmental Working Group’s produce and pesticide ranking at: You can minimize your exposure to pesticides by avoiding the conventionally grown produce that typically contains the most pesticides. The Environmental Working Group is a not-for-profit, consumer advocacy group whose mission in part is to “ protect public health and the environment”.

So next time you think about health insurance, remember: ultimately, your health depends more on your willingness to take care of yourself and maintain a positive attitude than any other factors.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Spice it up!

Are you interested in an easy and delicious way to increase your antioxidant and nutrition intake? Add herbs and spices to your favorite foods – it’s that simple.

To get the most benefit:

1) Use only organic or wild-crafted herbs and spices. (It’s counter productive to use anything that has been processed and or sprayed.)

2) Use herbs and spices fresh and uncooked. Those dehydrated under 118° are good but fresh herbs and spices are best, particularly if you grow your own.

3) Add herbs and spices at the end of cooking, after you have removed foods from heat. This includes salt and pepper.

If you’re still using salt, consider switching to sea salt or better still, kelp. Powered kelp is a very mineral-rich substitute that will help you forget all about salt.

Cooked black pepper is an irritant (expecially to kidney, liver and gall bladder areas) and irritation causes inflammation. Instead, look for raw peppercorns and grind your own. Freshly ground raw black pepper is delicious, has a tonic effect and even aids digestion.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome to Timeless Health

What an exciting time we live in! Never before have we had such a wealth of information available at our fingertips. Never before have we had the opportunities before us as we do now. The power to do or be or have anything we choose. Does that sound far-fetched – like a pipe dream? It’s not. And for millions of people on this planet every day, their reality is deliberately creating and enjoying the life they choose.

We are surrounded by success stories that we can’t hear over the blare of television news, or see over the glare of newspaper headlines. When we look closer, our very own lives are filled with incredible miracles. Which ones can you name right now?

Wherever you are with your health, you can raise the bar. You can choose to embrace health. When you feel healthy, your inner strength is intensified, your mind is clearer to make the right choices moment by moment.

I love teaching people how to become independently healthy. Knowing how to easily take excellent care of yourself provides riches beyond measure. Just ask someone who’s experiencing sickness.

Catch that higher vision of yourself – the vision that excites you right down to your shoes. And take the inspired action that follows.