Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Real Health Insurance

If you think health insurance is more than a medical insurance policy, you’re right!
More than anything, it’s about taking care of ourselves. Real health comes day by day, from the good health habits and habits of thought we practice continually.

All those daily maintenance riturals? Just own ‘em. There’s no way around good health habits like brushing, flossing, exercising, deep breathing, etc. so just embrace them. Prevention is a snap compared to the price of damage control.

And speaking of price, we all like to save money. In the long run, we save more money when we buy the highest quality foods we can afford. Buy organic or wildcrafted, fresh, local and in season foods. You’ll get more flavor and food value, and you’ll be supporting local farmers. Filling up on nutritious foods cuts down on cravings and you might find yourself eating less because you’re eating better. If you can’t find or afford to buy all your produce organic, check out the Environmental Working Group’s produce and pesticide ranking at: http://www.foodnews.org/. You can minimize your exposure to pesticides by avoiding the conventionally grown produce that typically contains the most pesticides. The Environmental Working Group is a not-for-profit, consumer advocacy group whose mission in part is to “ protect public health and the environment”.

So next time you think about health insurance, remember: ultimately, your health depends more on your willingness to take care of yourself and maintain a positive attitude than any other factors.