An eye reading is a quick and easy way to find underlying causes – whether they have manifested into various stages of congestion or have not yet presented any symptoms. A little preventive care will go a long way in avoiding future illness, and without health, beauty means little and is quick to dissipate. Knowing how we might adjust our lifestyle to accommodate our physical and emotional uniqueness can pay big dividends in our future.
An eye reading can reveal such issues as genetic and constitutional predispositions, conditions that have developed over time, inherently strong or weak organs, glands and other tissue structures; lymphatic and immune system congestion, pancreatic insufficiencies, cerebral circulation, mineral depletion, level of nutrient assimilation, over-acid constitution, toxic accumulations, colon conditions, build-up of cholesterol plaque and inorganic salts; levels of stress and tension, thought and emotional patterns, mental and emotional pain and sensitivity, and several hundred other points as they relate to an individual.
The eyes are an outgrowth of the brain and as such, they respond to the constant patter received from all systems of the body via the brain. Eventually, this patter displays in very specific patterns upon the surface of the eyes. As the stages of congestion progress, various lines, colors and structures become more prominent. As congestion continues to develop, there is a "dimming of the lights” that takes place. This is a phenomenon wherein one hardly notices the internal degeneration from day to day – until one day when the situation becomes a calamity.
As with all stages of congestion, it is possible to heal. More advanced levels of congestion require more adherence to natural healing protocols. It is much less demanding to handle issues at a superficial level. We don’t always think of preventive care when we feel good, yet the easiest way to keep our health and beauty is to not let it go in the first place.